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1 Destro  Fri, Sep 28, 2012 12:07:50pm

The right wing always contradicts itself. If they represent the majority and FOX is the number one watched news network in America and all those talk show hosts are right wing how is the pro Obama mainstream press a factor?

2 researchok  Fri, Sep 28, 2012 12:13:54pm

FOX is more like Current TV than it is the other media outlets you referred to.

They are less in the nes business than they are in the delivery business- they deliver the ;news' a lot of FOX viewers want to see.

Now, there is nothing wrong with that, anymore than there is with Current TV delivering what their viewers want to see. The issue has really become one of definition- is FOX MSM or something else?

If FOX is indeed something other than MSM (a position I believe) then response to FOX has to change. They cannot be accepted as MSM.

Again, they are clearly entitles to their opinions- and some of those opinions have merit- but that in no way qualifies then as a news outlet.

News outlets can andf do have biases and leanings, no question about it. However, a responsible news outlet will deliver the news in addition to their opinions.

A case in point is the recent revelations the Libya attack was indeed a terror attack. Even outlets which support Obama to a critical eye towards the White House obfuscating.

That's what legitimate news organizations do- even with their ingrained flaws.

That FOX won't report critically on Romney or his campaign attest to their lack of journalistic credibility.

3 SidewaysQuark  Fri, Sep 28, 2012 1:08:20pm

re: #2 researchok

If FOX is indeed something other than MSM (a position I believe) then response to FOX has to change. They cannot be accepted as MSM.

Hasn't that already happened? No one in the center or left takes them seriously at all any more, and no one on the right takes the "big bad commie MSM" seriously either, and they give Fox a strange exemption from being "mainstream", while at the same time insisting they're the #1 most watched news outlet.

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